iPhone 12 vs. 12 Pro Review — Two Months Later! (Feat. Brian Tong)

iPhone 12 vs. 12 Pro Review — Two Months Later! (Feat. Brian Tong)

448 View

Publish Date:
29 December, 2020
iPhone 12
Video License
Standard License
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You're either thinking of getting a new iPhone 12 and still can’t decide between the regular and Pro, just got a new iPhone 12, are watching that exchange period tick, tick, tick down, and want to make sure you got the right one, or you’ve had your new iPhone 12 for a while and still want to make absolutely sure you, like Indy… chose wisely.

Either way — any way — I’ve got Brian Tong on the line to re-review everything we’ve learned and experienced about both the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro, now, today, more than 2 months later.

So hit that subscribe button and bell, and let’s do this.


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Jamie Culver, Daniel Pinto - Mouxy, Maestro Reggie Jackson, Matt Matasso, Damien Menn, Samantha Alice Raven, Demian Dellinger, Sridhar Ayala, Rod Gray, Luminous Moose, Daniel Pasco, Jeffrey David Marraccini, Steven Kaplan, Mark Lussier, Martin Perry, Connor Porter, Christopher Wiggins, Dude, Jon Wheeler, Josef, Frederick Lakes Jr., Steven Perry, Scott Graham, Aziz Rahman, Michael Dreves, Sam Fingold, Front Page Tech, Sven Jasper, Kyle Giglio, Rich Stakounis, Stanley Silverman, Jerry Brace, Paco Arango, Henk van Ess, Anthony LaManna, Dom Hallan, Ryan Parman, Roy Burns.

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Thanks for watching, see you next video!