4:06iPhone 14REAL ANDROID Achieved On iPhone 14! Works on All iPhone Models (With Demo)4 August, 20242,202
2:43iOSHUGE NEWS: iOS 16 - 16.6.1 Kernel Vuln RELEASED! JAILBREAK & TrollStore DOABLE NOW! ALL DEVICES!4 January, 20244,634
2:39iOSiOS 16 - 16.7.4 JAILBREAK NEWS: Misaka v8.0.1 RELEASED With Support For iOS 16 - 16.7.4, ALL DEVICES2 January, 20242,041
3:30iOSA12+ JAILBREAK Release: DOPAMINE Jailbreak v1.1.3 RELEASED With MAJOR Fixes and Changes! NEWS19 August, 20239,063
3:18iOSiOS 15.0 - 16.5 A12+ JAILBREAK NEWS: KFD Kernel Vuln IPA RELEASED! For Newer Devices27 July, 20232,853
3:15iOSDOPAMINE JAILBREAK (A12-A15) v1.1.1 RELEASED (Jailbreak With Tweaks) With Important Improvements!10 July, 20232,601
2:09iOSiOS 15.0 - 16.4.1 JAILBREAK News: New PaleRa1n Jailbreak v2.0.0 Beta 6 RELEASED! Supports Tweaks!3 May, 20232,482
4:29iOSiOS 16.0 - 16.4.1 JAILBREAK INFO: DO THIS RIGHT NOW Before Apple Closes It Forever. For All Devices.17 April, 20239,630
2:10iOSiOS 15.0 - 16.4 Great JAILBREAK News: New Useful Kernel Vuln Code RELEASED For All Devices16 April, 20238,015
3:57iOSiOS 16 - 16.4 Big Jailbreak News: COWABUNGA Lite For iOS 16.2 - 16.4 TWEAKS Without Jailbreak (A12+)10 April, 202311,445
4:25iOSiOS 15 - 16.4 JAILBREAK More Big News: Rootless Tweaks Finally UPDATED! More Devs Releasing! (A12+)18 March, 20232,912
5:02iOSiOS 15.0 - 16.4 All JAILBREAK Tools! All Available Options For All Devices! & What Jailbreak To Use13 March, 20233,087
2:41iOSiOS 14.0 - 16.1.2 JAILBREAK News: Cowabunga v8.1.2 RELEASED! GET IT RIGHT NOW! Fixes A Major Issue!9 March, 20235,804
2:26iOSiOS 15 - 16.4 JAILBREAK RELEASED! New Major PaleRa1n Update With Tweaks For Pre-A12 Devices18 February, 20234,839
3:03iOSiOS 16 - 16.3 New JAILBREAK With SSH Achieved On All Devices (New Kernel Vuln) + Fugu15 Bootstrap15 February, 20239,939
3:29iOSiOS 16 - 16.1.2 JAILBREAK News: New File Manager App RELEASED With Full Disk Access! (All Devices)30 January, 20232,877
4:05iOSiOS 16 - 16.1.2 JAILBREAK: Do This Right Now While It's Still Possible! For Newer Devices (A12+)5 January, 20237,014
3:05iOSiOS 16 - 16.1.2 JAILBREAK Big News: New File Manager For All Devices, Great Kernel Vuln For A12-A16!4 January, 20234,933
2:55iOSiOS 15.0 - 16.1.2 JAILBREAK News: App RELEASED For Changing All iOS Fonts / Custom Font, ALL Devices31 December, 20222,062
2:46iOSiOS 15.0 - 16.1.2 JAILBREAK: PaleRa1n Jailbreak On iOS 16 With TWEAKS Achieved & Coming (Pre-A12)5 December, 202211,665
3:01iOSLATEST Cheyote iOS 15 Jailbreak Progress: What Is Done & What's Left (All Devices)27 July, 20225,640
3:48iOSiOS 15.0 - 15.4.1 Fugu15 JAILBREAK Announced (All Devices) | Demo To Be Released by Linus Henze20 July, 202211,372